Just got word that Roulette Toronto is available for pre-order. This is one that I’m super excited for. Roulette Toronto, the 4th episode in Courtney Trouble’s critically acclaimed Roulette series, offers up a series of vignettes that provides a steamy window into the hott, kinky, genderfucking hotness that is Toronto, the city I call home. [...]
On my most recent trip to LA I connected with local photographer Rae Threat. I’ve been a big fan of her work for quite some time. Her signature use of desaturated colours works to draw out the hazy surreality of the LA landscape and to draw the viewer into another world. I’ll have snippits from [...]
Every month the women from Hot Movies for Her put out a question to porn stars, asking us to consider some timely or touchy issue in the industry. Fun, right? So this month’s question related to the use of condoms in porn. It’s a big, messy issue with a lot of complexities and people can [...]
Barely a few days ago Buck Angel was in Toronto. During Buck’s hectic schedule (being a porn star is not for the easily fatigued) I had the opportunity to shoot a “Public Service Announcement” on trans health with him for Buck Angel Entertainment. We talked it out and decided to focus on trans women & [...]
So, I wasn’t going to start actually blogging for another week, but I couldn’t resist after reading a single word: “disgusting”. The word, in this case by a commenter on the *awesome* Hot Movies for Her VOD site, was what I suppose constituted a “review” to the recent release of Doing it Ourselves: A Trans [...]
There’s going to be a whole lot more Drew very soon. In the meantime, are you following me on Twitter? @drewdeveaux of course!